As they got ready to come out on the field for their part of the show they got staged in formation along the side of the bleachers we were sitting on. So when I looked over and saw them, I thought it was a great opportunity for a shot or two. I decided to turn the camera on an angle and not take the picture directly on in a traditional squared off shot. Was I ever glad I did. When I got home and uploaded the pictures and saw how it turned out, it became my favorite shot of the lot. Something about it's composition just looks right. I really want to get it mounted on one of those canvas's; where they stretch it over and around the frame. Then I'd have to play with it for hanging. I'm torn between hanging it traditionally so you look at it and maybe tilt your head to see it straight (like your doing right now)...or... do I hang it on the angle so it appears as if you are looking at it straight but of course the edges are all such that it is like diamond shaped.
I liked these next couple as they are riding in formation and the dust is kicking up. The last one of these is my second favorite as the one lone rider is heading toward the camera and the other three to the three opposing corners.
In the next few they continue with some formations including some charges. In the third one they are formed up for the end of the show and one horse is not happy to stand there and so the RCMP rider has to lead him out to calm him down. Then the forth one he leads him over toward the fence to keep him calm and we get the Lone Mounted Policeman.
Lastly as they were riding off in formation, they pass by with my old High School in the back ground (the back gym/pool/auditorium building). It looks like some old fortress though, so a nice shot.
So I hope you enjoy these, let me know what you thing. I will always "Remember When..." I took my son to see the RCMP Musical Ride.